What are ES6 Modules?

Modules lets us split our code base to multiple files for more maintainability and this lets us avoid putting all of our code in one big file (yucksss). Before ES6 has supported Modules there were two popular module systems that were used for Code Maintainability in JavaScript.

  • CommonJS - Nodejs
  • AMD (Asynchronous Module Definition) - Browsers

Basically, the sytanx for using modules are straightforward,
import is used for getting functionality from another file or several functionalities or values while
export is used for exposing functionality from a file or several functionalities or values.

Exporting functionalites in a File or Named Exports

Using ES5 (CommonJS)

// Using ES5 CommonJS - helpers.js
exports.isNull = function (val) {
  return val === null;

exports.isUndefined = function (val) {
  return val === undefined;

exports.isNullOrUndefined = function (val) {
  return exports.isNull(val) || exports.isUndefined(val);

Using ES6 Modules

// Using ES6 Modules - helpers.js
export function isNull(val){
  return val === null;

export function isUndefined(val) {
  return val === undefined;

export function isNullOrUndefined(val) {
  return isNull(val) || isUndefined(val);

Importing functionalites in another File

// Using ES5 (CommonJS) - index.js
const helpers = require('./helpers.js'); // helpers is an object
const isNull = helpers.isNull;
const isUndefined = helpers.isUndefined;
const isNullOrUndefined = helpers.isNullOrUndefined;

// or if your environment supports Destructuring
const { isNull, isUndefined, isNullOrUndefined } = require('./helpers.js');
// ES6 Modules - index.js
import * as helpers from './helpers.js'; // helpers is an object

// or 

import { isNull, isUndefined, isNullOrUndefined as isValid } from './helpers.js';

// using "as" for renaming named exports

Exporting a Single Functionality in a File or Default Exports

Using ES5 (CommonJS)

// Using ES5 (CommonJS) - index.js
class Helpers {
  static isNull(val) {
    return val === null;

  static isUndefined(val) {
    return val === undefined;

  static isNullOrUndefined(val) {
    return this.isNull(val) || this.isUndefined(val);

module.exports = Helpers;

Using ES6 Modules

// Using ES6 Modules - helpers.js
class Helpers {
  static isNull(val) {
    return val === null;

  static isUndefined(val) {
    return val === undefined;

  static isNullOrUndefined(val) {
    return this.isNull(val) || this.isUndefined(val);

export default Helpers

Importing a Single Functionality from another File

Using ES5 (CommonJS)

// Using ES5 (CommonJS) - index.js
const Helpers = require('./helpers.js'); 

Using ES6 Modules

import Helpers from '.helpers.js'

This is the basics of using ES6 Modules. I won't explain all about Modules because it's a broad topic and my Post is now really long.